Course | Institution |
B.SC | S V Arts College, Tirupati. SV University ( 1986 ) |
M.SC | S V University, Tirupati ( 1989 ) |
PHD | S V University, Tirupati ( 1995 ) |
Field | Company / Institution | Designation |
Research | Centre for Organisation Development, Hyderabad | Research Asst / Faculty ( 1995 - 1998 ) |
Teaching | Progressive College of PG Studies, Hyderabad | Director ( 1998 - 2002 ) |
Industry | Ernst & Young, Kingdom of Bahrain | Asst Manager ( 2002 - 2007 ) |
Industry | MSCEB, Kingdom of Bahrain | Manager HR ( 2007 - 2013 ) |
Teaching | Periyar University, Salem | Professor, Psychology ( 2015 - Present ) |
OB |
Industrial Psychology |
Applied Psychology area |
Degree | Awarded | Submited | On-roll |
M.Phil | 30 | 1 | 1 |
Ph.D | 30 | 1 | 1 |
Bhadramani, G, Venkatachalam, J, Samiullah, S., Sivasankara Reddy, K, Family Preferences of Children - A Study of Family Drawings, Indian Journal of Applied Psychology, 30(1), 54-60, 1993, Madras Psychology Association
Samiullah, S, Venkatachalam, J, Bhadramani, G, Sivasankara Reddy, K, Size and Placement of the Self - A Study of Childrens Family Drawings, The Creative Psychologist, 6(1), 9-16, 1994, The Creative Psychologist
Bhadramani, G, Venkatachalam, J, Samiullah, S., Sivasankara Reddy, K, Clustering of Family Members by Normal and Neglected Children - A Study of Family Drawings, Indian Journal of Applied Psychology, 31(1), 21-29, 1994, Madras Psychology Association
Venkatachalam J, Sivasankara Reddy, K, Impact of Job Level and Job Tenure on Work Involvement, Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction in Different Organizations, Indian Journal of Applied Psychology, 33(2), 78-85, 1996, Madras Psychology Association
Venkatachalam J, Velayudhan, A, Quality of Work Life: A Review of Literature, South Asian Journal of Management, 4(1), 45-57, 1997,
Venkatachalam J, Velayudhan, A, Quality of Work Life Dimensions: An Empirical Study, Indian Journal of Applied Psychology, 34(2), 1-7, 1997, Madras Psychology Society, India
Venkatachalam J, Sivasankara Reddy, K, Samiullah, S, Effect of Job Level and the Organizations Identity on Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction: A Study of Different Organizations, Management and Labour Studies, 23(3), 421-427, 1998, SAGE
Venkatachalam J, 141, Empowerment: An Integrated Perspective, Productivity, A Journal of National Productivity Council, 39(1), 134-141, 1998,
Venkatachalam J, ., Literature on Organizational Commitment: A Review, South Asian Journal of Management, 5(3), 28-38, 1998,
Venkatachalam J, Velayudhan, A, Impact of Advanced Technology on Quality of Work Life: A Study of a Steel Plant, Management and Labour Studies, 24(4), 249-255, 1999, SAGE
Venkatachalam J, Chandra T S, Viswanath Reddy S, Effect of Personal Variables on Attitude Towards Teaching, Journal of Education in Emerging Indian Society, 1(1), 285-290, 2014, J E E I S
Venkatachalam J, ., Effect of Organisation Climate on Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement , International Multi- Disciplinary e Journal , 4(5), 180-189, 2015, ISSN: 2277 – 4262
Venkatachalam J, ., Leadership Styles and Influence Strategies: A Study, International Journal of Scientific Research, 4(2), 131-134, 2015, International Journal of Scientific Research
Venkatachalam J, Viswanath Reddy S, Effect of TV Viewing on Mental Health among High School going Children, Paripex Indian Journal of Research, 4(1), 15-17, 2015, Paripex
Venkatachalam J, Chandra T S, Viswanath Reddy S, Academic Stress among Teacher Trainees, International Journal of Psychology & Research, 2(7), 27-30, 2015, IJPR
Savitha, K, Venkatachalam, J, Perceived Parenting Styles and Personality Factors - A Study, The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 3(4), 22-33, 2016,
Subramani, C, Venkatachalam, J, Academic Expectations Stress among High School Students, Indian Journal of Psychology & Education (IJPE), 7(2), 77-81, 2017,
Bhadramani, Jithin Joy, Venkatachalam Jonnadula, Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health among university students, IAHRW-International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 6(10), 2067-2069, 2018, Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare
Bhadramani G, Venkatachalam Jonnadula, Strategies for Inducing Empathy in Neo-Counselors, Education Times- An International Journal of Education & Humanities, 9(1), 147-154, 2018, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi
Abdul Kareem M, Venkatachalam Jonnadula, Computerized Word-Colour Interference among School Children , The Research Journal of Social Sciences , 9(11), 66-73, 2018,
Bhadramani, G, Venkatachalam, J, Job Satisfaction and Some Demographic Correlates - A Comparative Study, EDU World, An International Journal of Education & Humanities, 9(1), 134-139, 2018, EDU Journal
Dom, J, Venkatachalam, J, Personality & Selfie Liking Behaviour among College Students, The Research Journal of Social Sciences, 10(6), 293-299, 2019,
Subramani, C, Venkatachalam, J, Sources of Academic Stress among Higher Secondary School Students, International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities (IRGSSH), 9(7), 488-492, 2019,
Abdul Karim, M, Venkatachalam, J, Shanmugasundaram, T., Kathirvel, M., Suganthi, D., Padma, S., An Overview of Traditional Herbal Plants: Pathway to Develop Anti-cancer Siddha Medicine, Journal of Biological and Chemical Research, 36(1), 21-33, 2019,,%20Part%20D/4.%20An%20Overview%20of%20Traditional%2021-33.pdf(0.8700)
Abdul Karim, M, Venkatachalam, J, Comparative analysis of aggression among normal and abandoned street adolescent girls in Coimbatore district, IJRAR, 6(2), 897-904, 2019,
Subramani, C, Venkatachalam, J, Parental Expectations and Its Relation to Academic Stress among School Students, IJRAR, 6(2), 95-99, 2019,
Abdul Karim, M, Venkatachalam, J, Cognitive Abilities and Executive functioning of Primary School Children: A Comparative analysis, Journal of Xi’an University, 14(7), 769-782, 2020, Issn No : 1006-7930(3.7000)
Arul Prabhakaran, S, Venkatachalam, J, A Study on Internet Usage of Adolescents in relation to Aggression and Psychological Well-Being, AEGAEUM Journal, 8(4), 362-371, 2020, ISSN NO: 0776-3808(6.1000)
Subramani, C, Venkatachalam, J, Impact of Cognitive Emotion Regulation on Academic Stress of School Students, A Journal of Composition Theory, 13(3), 620-629, 2020,
Arul Prabhakaran, S, Venkatachalam, J, Exploration of Internet Usage, Procrastination and Psychological Well-being of Undergraduate students, Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology,, 12(2), 2961-2966, 2020, Issn No : 1006-7930(3.7000)
Subramani, C, Venkatachalam, J, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Academic Stress among School Students, The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, 12(1), 1943-1951, 2020,