Course | Institution |
B.SC | Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College for Women ( 2002 ) |
M.SC | Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College for Women ( 2004 ) |
M.PHIL | Alagappa University ( 2007 ) |
PH.D | Karpagam Academy of Higher Education ( 2012 ) |
PGDCA | Periyar University ( 2011 ) |
Field | Company / Institution | Designation |
Teaching | Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College for Women | Lecturer ( 2004 - 2006 ) |
Teaching | Karpagam Academy of Higher Education | Assistant Professor ( 2006 - 2015 ) |
Algebra |
Fuzzy Mathematics |
Operation Research |
S.No | Award Title | Date of Award | Level | Sponsor | Sponsor Address |
1 | 1 | 2021-11-11 | National | IMRF Institute of Higher Education & Research | Regd with Govt of India NITI Aayong NGO Darpan, ESTD U/S OF 2001 , Govt of A.P. India, HQ : Vijayavada , India |
Degree | Awarded | Submited | On-roll |
M.Phil | 30 | 1 | 1 |
Ph.D | 30 | 1 | 1 |
Dr.K.Arjunan, Dr,N.Anitha, ,, Homomorphism in Intuitionistic fuzzy subhemirings of a hemiring, International Journal of. Math. Sci. &Engg. Appls(IJMSEA), 4(5), 165-172, 2010, (0.2210)
Dr.K.Arjunan, Dr,N.Anitha, ,, Notes on Intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of a hemiring, Applied Mathematical Sciences(AMS), , 5(68), 3393-3402, 2011,
Dr.K.Arjunan, Dr,N.Anitha, ,, Q-Fuzzy Normal Subhemirings of a Hemiring, Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths(AJCEM),, 1(3), 61-63, 2012, (5.0900)
Dr.K.Arjunan, Dr,N.Anitha, ,, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy subhemirings of a Hemiringâ€, International Journal of Mathematical Archive(IJMA),, 3(5), 1850-1853, 2012, (7.5430)
Dr.K.Arjunan, Dr,N.Anitha, ,, Isomorphism and Anti-isomorphism in Q-Fuzzy Translation of Q-Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring , International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue:3, pp. 942-945, May-June 2012, 2(3), 942-945, 2012, (2.7370)
Dr.K.Arjunan, Dr,N.Anitha, ,, Intuitionistic fuzzy and Intuitionistic fuzzy normal subhemiring of a hemiring†, International Journal of Applied Mathematics (IJAM), , 3(2), 560-573, 2013, (4.0980)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Homomorphism and Anti-Homomorphism in Interval Valued(S,Q) fuzzy subhemirings of a hemiring, International Journal of Science Technology & Humanities(IJSTH),, 3(1), 90-94, 2015, (4.5700)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Isomorphism and Anti-Isomomorphism in (Q,L) fuzzy translation of (Q,L) Fuzzy subhemirings of a hemiringâ€, International Journal of Science, Technology & Humanities(IJSTH), 3(1), 51-54, 2015, (2.2620)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Level Set of Intuitiontistic Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring, International Journal on Engineering Technology and Sciences(IJETS), 2(10), 124-128, 2015, (0.3450)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Some properties of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, 1(9), 260-263, 2015, (2.2620)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Intuitiontistic Q-Fuzzy SubhemiringsOf a Hemiring, International Journal on Engineering Technology and Sciences (IJETS), , 2(9), 70-73, 2015, (0.7200)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ., Homomorphism and Anti homomorphism in Interval Valued Q-L Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring, Global Journal for Research Analysis (GJRA), , 4(12), 389-395, 2015, (5.5160)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Anti (Q, L)-Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring, Journal of Advances in Mathematics (JAM), 11(45), 5184-5188, 2015, (2.3860)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, “Anti (S, Q)-fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiringâ€, , International Journal of Applied Research (IJAR),, 1(11), 465-468, 2015, (5.3970)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Isomorphism and Antiisomorphism in (S,Q)-Fuzzy Translation of (S,Q)-Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring, International Journal of Applied Research(IJAR),, 1(10), 1011-1014, 2015, (5.3970)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Homomorphism and Antihomomorphism in Interval Valued Q-Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring , International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA) , 6(10), 25-29, 2015, (4.0980)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, A Note On (Q, L)-Fuzzy Subhemirings of A Hemiring, Global Journal for Research Analysis, 5(6), 64-70, 2016, (5.5160)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Application of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrix in Document Retrieval Systemsâ€,, International Journal of Applied and Pure Science and Agriculture, 2(5), 138-145, 2016, (0.8750)
Dr.N.Anitha, A.Tamilvanan, ,, Isomorphism and Anti-Isomorphism in Q-Fuzzy Translation of Q-Fuzzy Ternary Subhemiring of a Hemiring, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN, 6(7), 12650-12655, 2017, (7.0890)
Dr.N.Anitha, A.Tamilvanan, ,, Homomorphism and Anti-Homomorphism of Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy TrenarySubhemiring of a Hemiring, International Journal of Scientific Research and Management,, 5(7), 6202-6206, 2017, (4.7580)
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Anti S-Fuzzy Soft Subhemirings of a Hemiring, Malaya Journal of Matematik, 5(3), 574-579, 2017,
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, On S Fuzzy Soft Subhemirings of a Hemiring , Malaya Journal of Matematik , 5(3), 556-560, 2017,
Dr.N.Anitha, Tamilvanan, ,, Homomorphism and Anti-Homomorphism of Interval Valued ï€¨ï¬ ï ,  - Fuzzy Ternary Subhemiring of a Hemiring, Malaya Journal of Matematik, , 5(3), 569-573, 2017,
Dr.N.Anitha, Tamilvanan, ,, Intuitionistic Q-Fuzzy Ternary Subhemiring of a Hemiring, Malaya Journal of Matematik,, 5(3), 587-591, 2017,
Dr.N.Anitha, J.Venkatesh, ,, Anti-Fuzzy Soft Subhemiring of a Hemiring , International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology , 47(2), 158-162, 2017, (2.3860)
Dr.N.Anitha, Tamilvanan, ,, M-Homomorphism and M-Anti Homomorphism of an Interval-Valued M-Fuzzy Ternary Subhemirings and Its Level M-Ternary Subhemiring, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 117(13), 395-401, 2017,
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Translation of S-Fuzzy Soft Subhemiring of a Hemiring, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,, 47(3), 229-234, 2017,
Dr.N.Anitha, J.Venkatesh, ,, Lower Level Subhemirings of an Anti-Fuzzy Soft Subhemirings of Hemiring , Malaya Journal of Matematik , 6(1), 151-156, 2018,
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, Notion of S-Fuzzy Soft Subhemirings of a Hemiring, Malaya Journal of Matematik, 6(1), 157-161, 2018,
Dr.N.Anitha, M.Latha, ,, A New Idea on Interval Valued T-Fuzzy Soft Subhemirings of a Hemiring, Malaya Journal of Matematik, , 6(1), 177-181, 2018,
Dr.N.Anitha, Aruna, ,, T-Fuzzy TL-Ideal of Gamma Near ringâ€, Malaya Journal of Matematik, 6(1), 206-212, 2018,
Dr.N.Anitha, Lambodharan, ,, Interval Valued Anti-Fuzzy Soft Subhemiring of a Hemiring, Malaya Journal of Matematik, 6(1), 236-241, 2018,
Dr.N.Anitha, Geetha, ,, Notion of L-Fuzzy Soft Subhemirings of a Hemiring, Malaya Journal of Matematik, 6(1), 157-161, 2018,
Dr.N.Anitha, Lambodharan, ,, Homomorphism and anti-homomorphism in interval valued fuzzy soft subhemiring of a hemiring, Nonlinear Studies [S.I], , 24(4), 945-950, 2018,
Dr.N.Anitha, Geetha, ,, A new Approach on Anti-L-Fuzzy Soft Subhemiriing of a Hemiring, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMIT) , 56(3), 124-128, 2018, (4.0980)
Dr.N.Anitha, J.Venkatesh, ,, Anti-Homomorphism Fuzzy soft subhemiring of a hemiring , Internal Journal for Research in applied and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) , 0(0), 0-0, 2018, (3.6640)
Dr.N.Anitha, J.Venkatesh, ,, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft subhemiring of a hemiring , Nonlinear Studies [S.I] , 24(4), 489-503, 2018,
N.Anitha , V.Lambodharan, Automobile surveillance system: fuzzy based implementation of face recognition Algorithm on FGPA platform , JETIR, vol. 5, Issue-11 ISSN: 2346-5162, Nov-2018., 5(11), 91-96, 2018, JETIR(0.8900)
Dr.N.Anitha, J.Venkatesh, ,, Q-homomorphism and anti Q-homomorphism of level subhemirings of Q-fuzzy soft subhemirings, American International journal of research in science, technology. engineering and Mathematics, 24(0), 0-0, 2019, (2.2620)
N.Anitha , J.Vengatesan, Using fuzzy soft matrix in medical analysis of Human’s illness, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exporing Engineering, Vol 09, Issue: 02, ISSN: 2278-3075, 2019. , 8(6), 1-4, 2019, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication(0.1020)
N.Anitha , J.Vengatesan, -dimensional fuzzy relations and operationsâ€, , Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol: 9, Issue: 11, ISSN: 1548-7741, 2019.(SCOPUS INDEXED), 9(11), 424-430, 2019, JICS publishes(6.2000)
N.Anitha , J.Vengatesan, Characterization of Intuitionistic fuzzy soft subhemiringâ€, , Compliance Engineering Journal, Vol: 10, Issue-11, ISSN 0898-3577, 2019. (SCOPUS INDEXED), 10(11), 234-241, 2019, Board Of Committee Of CEJ(2.1830)
N.Anitha , V.Lambodharan, Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs, and some Propertyâ€. , (IJSTR) ISSN: 2277-8616, Volume-8 Issue-11, November-2019 (SCOPUS INDEXED), 8(11), 48-52, 2019, IJSTR publishes (4.2900)
N.Anitha , J.Vengatesan, A study on intersection of two intuitionstic Q-fuzzy soft subhemiring of a Hemiring using homomorphism and anti-homomorphism, Advances in Mathematics: Scienctific Journal, vol: 9, Issue 1, ISSN 1857-8365, 2020, 9(1), 1-13, 2020, Best Current Practices for Journals (2010) and Code of Practice(0.1200)
N.Anitha , J.Vengatesan, Notion of Intuitionistic fuzzy soft level subset subhemiring of a hemiring, AIP Conference Proceedings 2261, 030106 Issue 7, (2020);October 2020., 1(3), 1-4, 2020, AIP PUBLISHING(0.4000)
N.Anitha , V.Lambodharan, Selection coefficient using interval-valued fuzzy soft set, AIP Conference Proceedings 2261, 030109, Issue-7, October-2020. (SCOPUS INDEXED), 1(7), 1-7, 2020, AIP PUBLISHING(0.4000)
N.Anitha , M.Latha, A Consequence of Fuzzy Soft Ideal Subhemiring Over T-Conorm†, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Volume 8, Issue 3 (IV) Part – 1, 13-20 July - September 2021. , 8(3), 13-20, 2021, IARA(7.3600)