As per MHRD instruction, the 1Gbps connectivity provided to the NME-ICT project University is to be extended to National Knowledge Network, The University have been provided with 1Gbps connectivity through L2VPN by connecting to the BSNL IP Network through gigabit Ethernet interface from Juniper router provided by BSNL and the IP address is allotted by National Informatics Centre (NIC).
The computing resources at the University are provided for use by staff and students in support of teaching, learning, research, consultancy and administrative activities. The University invests significant resources in the provision of computing resources for university community, and wishes to encourage appropriate use by students and staff. In order to ensure maximum access, computing resources must be used in a responsible way.
- The University provides a secure network infrastructure and increase technological efficiency.
- Besides central computing facilities each department of the university has its own computing resources. These resources had access to word processing, database packages, Internet,e-mail and print services.